pd waktu malam bahasa Inggris
- pd: physical education
- waktu: future tense; occasion; reactional; the moment
- waktu malam: evenings; night-time
- malam: eve; night; nocturnal; sealing wax; wax; dawn;
- di waktu malam: in the night; in the night time
- di waktu malam hari: by night
- waktu larut malam: the dead of night
- waktu makan malam: suppertime; supper-time; high tea; dinner hour; lunchtime; supper hour
- gembala waktu malam g'lap: while shepherds watched their flocks
- s.pd.: bed, b.ed.
- perihal sentiasa membuat sesuatu pd waktu yg tertentu: regularity
- malam: eve; night; nocturnal; sealing wax; wax; dawn; vesper; even; evenfall; nighttide; afternoon; eventide; nightfall; post meridiem; at night; nighttime; evetime; evening; lazy; dark
- pd hakikatnya: virtually
- pd&k: department of basic education and culture
- pd-britishgov: pd-ukgov