samasekali tanpa bahasa Inggris
- samasekali: from the ground up; sublimely
- tanpa: bare of; devoid of; freshed out of; freshing out
- berhenti samasekali: full stop
- gagal samasekali: fall flat
- samasekali palsu: outright; blatantly; inexcusably
- samasekali tidak: far from it; no way
- tanpa: bare of; devoid of; freshed out of; freshing out of; gone without; to be without; without; without any; failing; go without; less; void; without so much as; empty; fortuitously; accidently; vacuous;
- dengan tanpa: with neither
- ia tanpa: it is without
- tanpa agama: irreligion
- tanpa air: waterless; arid
- tanpa akhir: without end; ceaselessly
- tanpa alasan: gratuitously; motiveless; perversely; without cause; baseless; for the hell of it; groundless; idle; wanton; freely; justification
- tanpa alat: freehand
- tanpa alkohol: nonalcoholic; non-alcoholic; nonalcohol
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