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sastra lisan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sastra lisan"
  • sastra:    lit312|literature; literature; literary; books
  • lisan:    oral; verbal; spoken; verbally; viva voce; oral
  • lisan:    oral; verbal; spoken; verbally; viva voce; oral communication; nuncupative; oral exam; orally; speech; unwritten; buccal; spoken language; voice communication; oral examination; viva; language; spee
  • artikel lisan:    spoken articles
  • bahasa lisan:    spoken language; voice communication; speech; spoken communication; language; speech communication; oral communication
  • dengan lisan:    by mouth; by oral; by word of mouth; orally; viva voce
  • hujah lisan:    verbal reasoning
  • kemampuan lisan:    verbal ability
  • menyatakan lisan:    verbalized; verbalizing; prolative
  • optative (lisan):    optative
  • penjelasan lisan:    illustrated talks
  • sastera lisan:    oral literature
  • secara lisan:    verbally; word of mouth; vocally
  • sejarah lisan:    oral history
  • semenanjung lisan:    lisan peninsula
  • Even when these are collected and published by scholars such as folklorists and paremiographers, the result is still often referred to as "oral literature".
    Sekalipun semuanya disatukan dan dicetak oleh para ahli cerita rakyat dan paremiografer, hasilnya masih disebut "sastra lisan".
  • From a young age he was exposed to oral and written pantuns and syair, both listening and improvisationally creating his own.
    Sejak usia muda ia telah diperkenalkan pada sastra lisan, pantun tertulis dan syair, baik mendengarkan maupun menciptakannya sendiri dengan improvisasi.
  • In this way, it is possible for a society to transmit oral history, oral literature, oral law and other knowledges across generations without a writing system.
    Dengan cara ini, adalah mungkin bagi masyarakat untuk mengirimkan sejarah lisan, sastra lisan, hukum dan pengetahuan dari generasi ke generasi tanpa sistem penulisan.
  • The Ugandan scholar Pio Zirimu introduced the term orature in an attempt to avoid an oxymoron, but oral literature remains more common both in academic and popular writing.
    Cendekiawan Uganda Pio Zirimu memperkenalkan kata orature untuk menghindari oksimoron, namun sastra lisan (oral literature) masih sering digunakan di lingkup akademik dan masyarakat.
  • Pre-literate societies, by definition, have no written literature, but may possess rich and varied oral traditions—such as folk epics, folklore, proverbs and folksong—that effectively constitute an oral literature.
    Masyarakat yang belum mengenal huruf tidak punya sastra tertulis, tetapi mungkin memiliki tradisi lisan yang kaya dan beragam—seperti epik, cerita rakyat, peribahasa, dan lagu rakyat—yang secara efektif membentuk sastra lisan.
  • In 1878, a demonstration at the Royal Institution in Britain included "Hey Diddle Diddle, the Cat and the Fiddle" and a line of Tennyson's poetry thus establishing from the very beginning of the technology its association with spoken literature.
    Pada tahun 1878, Royal Institution Britania Raya mendemonstrasikan pengucapan kalimat "Hey Diddle Diddle, the Cat and the Fiddle" dan bait puisi Tennyson ke dalam fonograf, yang menandai dimulainya penggunaan teknologi rekam untuk kepentingan sastra lisan.
  • The use of punctuation, another trait uncommon in the local literature of the time, may also have served to give a more realistic reading and reflected the work's origin as a written manuscript and not from oral literature.
    Penggunaan tanda baca, hal lain yang jarang ditemukan dalam literatur lokal kala itu, mungkin juga telah berguna untuk memberikan kesan bacaan yang lebih realistis dan mencerminkan asal karya ini sebagai naskah tertulis, dan bukan dari sastra lisan.