Masuk Daftar

secara lisan bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "secara lisan"
  • secara:    -ly; -wise; by; wise; in a way; precisely;
  • lisan:    oral; verbal; spoken; verbally; viva voce; oral
  • menyatakan secara lisan:    verbalize; phrase
  • lisan:    oral; verbal; spoken; verbally; viva voce; oral communication; nuncupative; oral exam; orally; speech; unwritten; buccal; spoken language; voice communication; oral examination; viva; language; spee
  • artikel lisan:    spoken articles
  • bahasa lisan:    spoken language; voice communication; speech; spoken communication; language; speech communication; oral communication
  • dengan lisan:    by mouth; by oral; by word of mouth; orally; viva voce
  • hujah lisan:    verbal reasoning
  • kemampuan lisan:    verbal ability
  • menyatakan lisan:    verbalized; verbalizing; prolative
  • optative (lisan):    optative
  • penjelasan lisan:    illustrated talks
  • sastera lisan:    oral literature
  • sastra lisan:    oral literature
  • sejarah lisan:    oral history
  • We just need to keep striving for verbal resolution.
    Kita tetap ingin mengutamakan penyelesaian secara lisan.
  • That's why they're making us conduct it verbally now.
    Itu sebabnya mereka menyuruh kita melakukan secara lisan.
  • The spoken form of address is Monsignor (last name).
    Cara penyebutan secara lisan adalah Monsignor (nama belakang).
  • I swear, the man is orally challenged.
    Aku bersumpah, pria itu menantang secara lisan.
  • Not with the verbals. Well, don't be shy.
    Tidak, Belum secara lisan jangan malu-malu
  • Due to the fact that the oral tradition was recently transcribed.
    Sebelumnya, tradisi-tradisi demikian selalu disampaikan secara lisan.
  • They were attacked in public, both verbally and physically.
    Mereka diserang di depan umum, baik secara lisan dan fisik.
  • Your password will be verbally confirmed upon point of contact.
    Kata laluan Anda akan disahkan secara lisan masa pertemuan.
  • Here for one last verbal beatdown?
    Di sini untuk kekalahan secara lisan terakhir?
  • Hawaiian history was oral history.
    Sejarah Hawaii adalah sejarah yang disampaikan secara lisan.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5