sejarah militer abad ke-12 bahasa Inggris
- sejarah: history; annals; historical; myth; legend;
- sejarah militer: military history
- militer: military; millitary; the military; army; armed
- abad: century; centuries; c; centenary; time; age;
- abad ke-12: 12th century
- buku sejarah abad ke-12: 12th-century history books
- sejarah militer abad ke-13: 13th-century military history
- sejarah militer abad ke-17: 17th-century military history
- sejarah militer abad ke-5: 5th-century military history
- garis masa sejarah islam abad ke-12: timeline of 12th-century muslim history
- abad ke-12 sm: 12th century bc
- buku abad ke-12: 12th-century books
- eropa abad ke-12: 12th century in europe
- ilmuwan abad ke-12: 12th-century scholars
- islam abad ke-12: 12th-century islam