situs romawi di afrika bahasa Inggris
- situs: site; web site; website; internet site
- situs romawi: roman sites
- romawi: roman
- di: about; at; at the; of which; on; there; where
- afrika: africa; countries of africa; afro-; white man’s
- situs romawi di asia: roman sites in asia
- situs romawi di tunisia: roman sites in tunisia
- situs romawi di turki: roman sites in turkey
- situs arkeologi di afrika: archaeological sites in africa
- situs warisan dunia unesco di afrika: world heritage sites in africa
- situs warisan dunia unesco di afrika selatan: world heritage sites in south africa
- afrika romawi: roman africans
- afrika (provinsi romawi): africa (roman province)
- afrika utara romawi: roman north africa
- situs arkeologi di afganistan: archaeological sites in afghanistan