statis tak tentu bahasa Inggris
- statis: static; statical; immobile; statics; inactive;
- tak: like a hole in one’s head; no; non; na; like a
- tak tentu: indefinite; indeterminate
- tentu: definite; will; certainly; in the bag; you bet;
- statis tentu: statically determined
- bentuk tak tentu: indeterminate form
- berjalan tak tentu arah: traipse; traipsed; traipsing; travel across
- bilangan tak tentu: indefinite number
- integral tak tentu: antiderivative
- kata sandang tak tentu: the indefinite article; indefinite article
- statis: static; statical; immobile; statics; inactive; electrostatic; sferics; still; motionless
- sejumlah besar obyek yang tak tentu: many; much; big; large
- tentu: definite; will; certainly; in the bag; you bet; assign; determinate; sure enough; positive; of course; positively; sure; delegate; definitely; definitive; physically; depute; fixed; natural; natural
- analisis statis: static analysis
- anggaran statis: static budget