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stowe bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "stowe"
  • You got any idea how Stowe landed on us?
    Apa kau tahu... bagaimana Stowe menemukan kita?
  • Two, four, six, eight Stowe girls are really great
    dua, empat, enam, delapan anak-anak Stowe benar-benar hebat.
  • Yeah? Maybe Stowe doesn't know about the tunnel.
    Mungkin Stowe tak mengetahui tentang terowongan.
  • Wouldn't it be easier to just use a recording of Stowe's voice?
    Bukannya lebih mudah memakai rekaman suaranya Stowe?
  • Stowe's voice recognition system can identify most digital forgeries.
    Sistem pengenalan suara milik Stowe bisa mengidentifikasi banyak tiruan digital.
  • Latimer left Catherine the manor of Stowe and other properties.
    John meninggalkan kepada Catherine Manor Stowe dan beberapa properti lainnya.
  • I need to see Colonel Stowe.
    Aku perlu menemui Kolonel Stowe.
  • Ron Greer from Stowe Canyon.
    Ron Greer dari Stowe Canyon.
  • A resort town. Stowe Mountain.
    Gunung Stowe mengajaknya bermain ski
  • At Stowe last year, me and Sullet... were stranded for like 25 minutes.
    Di Stowe tahun lalu, aku dan Sullet terlantar sekitar 25 menit.
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