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sungai indus bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "sungai indus"
  • Like wars over water, such as in the Indus.
    Perang memperebutkan air seperti di Sungai Indus.
  • Irrigation was developed in the Indus Valley Civilisation by around 4500 BCE.
    Irigasi berkembang di peradaban lembah sungai Indus sekitar 4500 SM.
  • Sudan and Ethiopia quarrel over the waters of the Nile.
    Mesir Sudan dan Ethiopia pertengkaran di atas perairan Sungai Nil. Di sungai Indus
  • His Macedonian Empire stretched from the Adriatic sea to the Indus river.
    Kekaisaran Makedonia kini membentang mulai dari Laut Adriatik sampai Sungai Indus.
  • And a clash is going to take place, like on the banks of the Indus.
    Dan benturan akan berlangsung, seperti di tepian sungai Indus.
  • By this time, Parthian authority extended as far east as the Indus River.
    Pada saat ini, kekuasaan Parthia diperluas ke timur sejauh Sungai Indus.
  • The Indus valley is known to be one of the ancestral lands of cultivated wheat.
    Lembah Sungai Indus diketahui sebagai tanah asal-usul pertanian gandum.
  • Some of the earliest public baths are found in the ruins in of the Indus Valley Civilization.
    Pemandian umum tertua ditemukan di Peradaban Lembah Sungai Indus.
  • The Harappa-Mohenjodaro civilization flourished in the Indus River valley during the third and
    Peradaban Harappa-Mohenjodaro tumbuh mekar di lembah Sungai Indus selama milenium ketiga dan
  • Indus also runs from north to south, and has several navigable tributaries.
    Sungai Indus juga mengalir dari utara ke selatan, dan memiliki beberapa anak sungai yang dapat dilayari.
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