susunan genom keseluruhan bahasa Inggris
- susunan: arrangement; layout; scheme; setup; structure;
- genom: genome
- keseluruhan: collectivity; entire; entirety; intoto; lock;
- pengurutan keseluruhan genom: whole genome sequencing
- keseluruhan: collectivity; entire; entirety; intoto; lock; overall; stock and barrel; the whole; the whole of; totality; utter; gross; total; radical; comprehensiveness; integrality; defiles; wholly; aggregate;
- susunan: arrangement; layout; scheme; setup; structure; system; array; opus; organization; fabric; order of magnitude; piece; constellation; musical arrangement; arranging; order; make-up; monastic order; fo
- genom berjujuk: lists of sequenced genomes
- genom manusia: human genome
- jumlah genom: genome size
- penyuntingan genom: genome editing
- biaya keseluruhan: overtall cost
- jumlah keseluruhan: all told; grand total; lump sum; sum total; total
- keseluruhan diri: whole being
- keseluruhan penduduk: citizenry; mankind; humankind; class; human being; citizen; country; human; humanity; people; family; man
- keseluruhan siri: series overview