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tabung silinder bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tabung silinder"
  • The core comes up as these cylindrical tubes of limestone.
    yang terbentuk dari batu gamping dan berbentuk tabung silinder.
  • ASTM A519 4130 Alloy Steel Gas Cylinder Tube
    ASTM A519 paduan 4130 tabung silinder baja Gas
  • Good choice for our hydraulic cylinder Tubes
    Pilihan yang bagus untuk Tabung silinder hidrolik kami
  • Material of cylinder tube Alloy steel,Carbon steel,27SiMn
    Bahan tabung silinder Baja paduan, baja karbon, 27SiMn
  • Customization of Cups Packaging Paper Canister Cylinder Box
    Kustomisasi Piala Kemasan Kotak Kertas Tabung Silinder
  • Specification of Cylindrical Alloy Chromium 4140 Cr-Mo
    Spesifikasi Tabung Silinder Alloy Chromium 4140 Cr-Mo
  • DIN 17175 15Mo3 Precision Gas Cylinder Tube
    DIN 17175 tabung silinder Gas presisi 15Mo3
  • Stainless Steel Wedge Wire Mesh,Cylinder Wedge Wire Screen tube
    Stainless Steel Wedge Wire Mesh, tabung Silinder Wedge Kawat Layar
  • Cylindrical Paper Tube Packaging Match Boxes Flexible FDA Eco-friendly
    Tabung Pencocokan Kemasan Tabung Silinder Kertas Fleksibel FDA Ramah Lingkungan
  • Customized Stainless Steel Cylinder Tube Supply For Smelter Blast Furnace
    Pasokan Tabung Silinder Stainless Steel Disesuaikan Untuk Smelter Blast Furnace
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5