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tahu keadaan sebenarnya bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tahu keadaan sebenarnya"
  • tahu:    bean curd; know; tofu; in the know; know how to;
  • keadaan:    circumstance; circumstances; complexion;
  • sebenarnya:    absolute pressure; actually; beneath it all; by
  • tahu bagaimana sebenarnya:    what's what
  • keadaan yang sebenarnya:    actuality; truthfulness
  • menguasai keadaan yang sebenarnya:    knock what o'clock it is; knocking what o'clock it is
  • sebenarnya:    absolute pressure; actually; beneath it all; by right; came true; coming true; in point of fack; substantively; actual; at heart; basically; in reality; really; rigorous; in point of fact; effective
  • tahu:    bean curd; know; tofu; in the know; know how to; get it on; know how; feeling; roll in the hay; do it; cognize; mindful; register; whimsy; recognise; make love; bonk; charm; tell; curd; have it off;
  • tahu-tahu:    all of a sudden; short; suddenly; all at once; dead; abruptly; on the spur of the moment; in a stound; of a sudden
  • berkata sebenarnya:    gave the devil his due; give the devil his due; given the devil his due; giving the devil his due
  • dengan sebenarnya:    genuinely
  • harga sebenarnya:    at cost
  • horison sebenarnya:    celestial horizon
  • mengatakan sebenarnya:    say the least of
  • yang sebenarnya:    true; prototypical; ideal; real
  • But we both know the truth.
    Tapi kita berdua tahu keadaan sebenarnya.
  • Mr. Shellburn, you're the only one that knows what it's like down here in the Pocket.
    Tuan Shellburn, hanya kaulah satu-satunya yang tahu keadaan sebenarnya di The Pocket.