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tak mengenali bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "tak mengenali"
  • tak:    like a hole in one’s head; no; non; na; like a
  • mengenali:    acquaint; acquainted in; came to know;
  • mengenali:    acquaint; acquainted in; came to know; characterise; come to know; finding out; identified; recognise; recognised; recognising; recognize; recognized; recognizing; distinguish; identify; pick out; r
  • mengenali lewat:    identified through
  • mengenali nama:    knock by name; knocked by name; knocking by name
  • tidak mengenali:    fail to identify
  • untuk mengenali:    getting to know
  • tak:    like a hole in one’s head; no; non; na; like a hole in the head; nope; not; ne
  • tak baik/ tak menguntungkan:    askew; improper; misseeming
  • tak menjawab/tak bereaksi:    numbnuts; emotionless; unreactive
  • get tak:    inverter (logic gate)
  • provinsi tak:    tak province
  • tak acuh:    dismissive
  • tak ada:    not; none; no; not any
  • tak adil:    unjust
  • I don't recognize the work, but he's a pro.
    Aku tak mengenali pekerjaannya, tapi dia pro.
  • I didn't recognize the road when we rode in.
    Aku tak mengenali jalanan ketika aku menunggang.
  • The fact that you stopped recognizing Darlene too, well
    Ternyata kau juga mulai tak mengenali Darlene.
  • But I don't recognize this surface tissue at all.
    Tapi aku tak mengenali jaringan permukaannya.
  • I don't recognise you with your clothes on?
    Aku tak mengenali kau dengan pakaian yang kau pakai?
  • I woke up at some point and... didn't recognize myself.
    Aku terbangun, tapi.. ..aku tak mengenali diriku.
  • He barely recognized his storybook last night.
    Dia hampir tak mengenali buku ceritanya tadi malam.
  • You don't recognize in your brother basic human traits.
    Kau tak mengenali sifat dasar manusia pada saudaramu.
  • The whole world is I don't know right now.
    Sekarang aku sudah tak mengenali dunia ini lagi.
  • Don't you think I recognize my own thing?
    Kau kira aku tak mengenali anuku?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5