uang adalah insentive terbesar bahasa Inggris
- uang: commoditie; commodities; cowrie; filthy lucre;
- adalah: am; are; be the one; is; it were; it's; was;
- terbesar: greatest; number one with a bullet; big; best of
- waktu adalah uang: time is money
- waktu adalah uang, efisiensi adalah kehidupan: time is money, efficiency is life
- terbesar: greatest; number one with a bullet; big; best of all; preeminent; outsize; oversized; oversize; large; outsized; major; supreme
- adalah: am; are; be the one; is; it were; it's; was; were; it; constitute; live; amount; embody; be; make; comprise; mind; exist; personify; equal
- uang: commoditie; commodities; cowrie; filthy lucre; fritter away; frittered away; money; stablised; cash; dough; funds; lolly; means; pingas; means of payment; fedzilla; medium of exchange; gelt; simoleo
- bagian terbesar: better part; lion's share; major part
- bahagian terbesar: mayor majority
- organisme terbesar: largest organisms
- sebagian terbesar: for the most part; majoritarily; pretty much; amply; all in all
- terbesar kelima: fifth largest
- (sebab) adalah: for it is
- adalah . yang: for it is that; it is that