Masuk Daftar

upah kerja bahasa Inggris

contoh kalimat "upah kerja"
  • upah:    wage; earnings; pay; wage-packet; gross pay;
  • kerja:    labor; labour; work; work out; responsibilities;
  • kerja upah harian:    daywork
  • upah:    wage; earnings; pay; wage-packet; gross pay; pourboire; sign on; tip; reward; salary; emolument; remuneration; wages; utilise; baksheesh; pittance payment; apply; bakshish; contract; utilize; paymen
  • kerja:    labor; labour; work; work out; responsibilities; appointment; line; toil; put to work; line of work; cause; operation; place; office; position; job; billet; piece of work; go; exercise; designation;
  • akunting upah:    payroll accounting
  • audit upah:    wage audit
  • biaya upah:    wage expense
  • daftar upah:    pay roll; wage counter
  • daftar-upah:    register of wages
  • desakan upah:    wage push
  • golongan upah:    wage bracket
  • pajak upah:    pay as you earn
  • paket upah:    wage-packet
  • pekerja upah:    hire labor; wage camer
  • Of course, I get paid for my labor separately.
    Tentu saja.. ada upah kerja yang sesuai.
  • Pays to work for a billionaire.
    Upah kerja seorang milyader.
  • But out here they're just hired guns, taking the money, working for the company.
    Tapi di sini, mereka cuma tentara bayaran menerima upah, kerja untuk perusahaan besar.
  • I thought I was talking to the guy who's shaking down his parolees for their legit pay.
    Kurasa aku sedang bicara pada orang yang memeras napi bebas bersyaratnya demi upah kerja mereka.
  • Lower labor expenses due to better staff management, decreased overtime, and lower levels of redundant, manual labor
    Menurunkan biaya tenaga kerja berkat manajemen staf yang lebih baik, penurunan lembur, dan tingkat upah kerja manual yang berlebihan dan berlebihan
  • Our contributions program does not support overseas projects, political donations, religious donations, individuals, private enterprises, international aid, ongoing salaries, one-off campaigns, organization operating costs, projects that are ongoing or capital expenses.
    Program kami tidak termasuk dukungan bagi program yang dilaksanakan di luar negeri, sumbangan politik, sumbangan keagamaan, perorangan, swasta, dana bantuan internasional, berbagai jenis upah kerja, kampanye sekali muncul, biaya operasional organisasi, program yang sedang berjalan serta belanja modal.