(you're the) devil in disguise artinya
- (you're the) devil in disguise
- devil: hantu; setan; syaitan; iblis; orang malang; orang
- in disguise: dalam penyamaran
- disguise: menyamar diri; menyembunyikan; samaran; menyamar;
- disguise: menyamar diri; menyembunyikan; samaran; menyamar; penyamaran; penyaruan; menyamarkan; menyarukan; pesta topeng; kamuflase; pakaian pada pesta; topeng; kelir; masker
- may the devil take you: sebelum iblis menjemput
- you're: kamu adalah
- may the devil take you too: sebelum iblis menjemput ayat 2
- spongebob, you're fired: spongebob, you're fired!
- we're with you: we're with you (lagu kara)
- what you're doing: apa yang sedang anda lakukan
- you're under arrest: you're under arrest; you're under arrest (manga)
- you're welcome: sama-sama
- you’re welcome: tidak apa apa; kembali; sama-sama; terima kasih kembali
- (what's the story) morning glory?: (what's the story) morning glory? (album oasis); (what's the story) morning glory?
- (up) to the hilt: sama sekali; sepenuhnya
- (you're) having my baby: you're having my baby
- "(You're the) Devil in Disguise" is a 1963 single by Elvis Presley which was written by Bill Giant, Bernie Baum and Florence Kaye.
"(You're the) Devil in Disguise" adalah singel tahun 1963 karya Elvis Presley yang ditulis oelh para penulis lagu Bill Giant, Bernie Baum dan Florence Kaye.