Masuk Daftar

- artinya

contoh kalimat "-"
  • -able:    cakap; kompeten; mahir; mampu
  • -ation:    -sasi
  • +44 (band):    +44 (band); +44
  • -bedded:    bertempat tidur
  • -bound:    batas; ke arah; lompatan; melompat; terhalang; terhambat
  • All the way. Make sure it's clean. - That's right.
    Potong ujungnya dan pastikan tidak berdebu.
  • I'll- - I'll knock your block off!
    Aku akan - aku akan mengetuk Anda blok off!
  • Cut that out! - Hey, let's get out of here.
    Hei, mari kita pergi dari sini.
  • In that case, you'll have to come along. - Wait.
    kalau begitu, kau harus ikut kami.
  • Could I speak to you, please? - How'd you get in here?
    bolehkah aku berbicara denganmu?
  • I'd say he's older than us -
    Aku akan mengatakan dia lebih tua dari kita -
  • That wasn't coffee - it was brown water!
    Itu bukan kopi - itu adalah air cokelat!
  • Looks can be mighty deceiving. - No denying that.
    Anda tidak dapat selalu bergantung pada penampilan.
  • When did he first say, "Ugh"? - First say, "Ugh"?
    Kapan pertama kali dia berkata, "Ugh"?
  • We might as well. - Okay. Uh, anyone doesn't want to vote?
    Siapapun tidak ingin memilih?
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5