1. ffc turbine potsdam artinya
- 1. ffc turbine potsdam
- turbine: turbin; baling-baling kapal
- potsdam: potsdam; postdam
- edict of potsdam: maklumat potsdam
- potsdam agreement: perjanjian potsdam
- potsdam conference: konferensi potsdam; persidangan potsdam
- potsdam declaration: perisytiharan potsdam; deklarasi potsdam
- university of potsdam: universiti potsdam; universitas potsdam
- garrison church (potsdam): gereja garnisun (potsdam)
- people from potsdam: tokoh dari potsdam
- action turbine: turbin tekanan rata
- ahead turbine: turbin maju
- auxiliary turbine: turbin bantu
- axial-turbine: turbin aksid
- compound turbine: turbin kompon
- disc-turbine: turbin-cakram