11th-century disestablishments artinya
- 11th-century disestablishments in al-andalus: pembubaran abad ke-11 di al-andalus
- 11th century: abad ke-11 hingga 20; abad ke-11
- disestablishments by century: pembubaran menurut abad
- 11th century bc: abad ke-11 sm
- 11th century bc by country: abad ke-11 sm menurut negara
- 11th century bc in china: abad ke-11 sm di tiongkok
- 11th century by continent: abad ke-11 menurut benua
- 11th century by country: abad ke-11 menurut negara
- 11th century in al-andalus: abad ke-11 di al-andalus
- 11th century in europe: abad ke-11 di eropa
- 11th century in france: prancis abad ke-11
- 11th century in portugal: abad ke-11 di portugal
- 11th century in serbia: serbia abad ke-11
- 11th century in sweden: swedia abad ke-11
- 11th century in the abbasid caliphate: abad ke-11 dalam khilafah abbasiyah
Kata lain
- "11th-century caliphs of córdoba" terjemahan Indonesia
- "11th-century christianity" terjemahan Indonesia
- "11th-century christians" terjemahan Indonesia