13th-century bc clergy artinya
- bc: bc; sm; sm (sebelum masehi); seu
- clergy: alim ulama; rohaniwan; pejabat gereja;
- 12th-century bc clergy: klerus abad ke-12 sm
- 13th century bc: abad ke-13 sm
- 13th century bc in religion: agama abad ke-13 sm
- 13th-century bc architecture: arsitektur abad ke-13 sm
- 13th-century bc births: kelahiran abad ke-13 sm
- 13th-century bc deaths: kematian abad ke-13 sm
- 13th-century bc people: tokoh abad ke-13 sm
- 13th-century bc rulers: penguasa abad ke-13 sm
- 13th-century bc women: wanita abad ke-13 sm
- 13th-century bc works: karya abad ke-13 sm
- buildings and structures completed in the 13th century bc: bangunan dan struktur yang diselesaikan pada abad ke-13 sm
- 3rd-century christian clergy: rohaniwan kristen abad ke-3
- 3rd-century clergy: rohaniwan abad ke-3
Kata lain
- "13th-century abbasid caliphs" terjemahan Indonesia
- "13th-century al-andalus people" terjemahan Indonesia
- "13th-century ayyubid sultans of egypt" terjemahan Indonesia