15th century in europe artinya
- 15th century: abad ke-15
- century: abad; abad (seratus tahun); kurun; century; nilai
- europe: eropa; eropah; europa (consort of zeus);
- 15th century bc: abad ke-15 sm
- 15th century by continent: abad ke-15 menurut benua
- 15th century by country: abad ke-15 menurut negara
- 15th century in brazil: abad ke-15 di brasil
- 15th century in england: abad ke-15 di inggris
- 15th century in france: abad ke-15 di prancis
- 15th century in great britain: abad ke-15 di britania raya
- 15th century in spain: abad ke-15 di spanyol
- 15th-century bc births: kelahiran abad ke-15 sm
- 15th-century bc deaths: kematian abad ke-15 sm
- 15th-century bc people: tokoh abad ke-15 sm
- 15th-century bc rulers: penguasa abad ke-15 sm
- The first Mardi Gras celebration took place in the 14th and 15th centuries in Europe. The first modern Mardi Gras parade was in 1857 in the city of New Orleans. Mardi Gras is always celebrated on the Tuesday before Ash…
Perayaan Mardi Gras pertama berlangsung pada abad ke-14 dan 15 di Eropa. Dalam parade Mardi Gras modern yang pertama pada tahun 1857 di kota New Orleans. Mardi Gras selalu dirayakan pada hari Selasa sebelum hari Rabu Abu.