175 bc artinya
- bc: bc; sm; sm (sebelum masehi); seu
- 175 (number): 175 (nombor)
- 175 births: kelahiran 175
- 175 deaths: kematian 175
- paragraph 175: paragraf 175
- united airlines flight 175: united airlines penerbangan 175; penerbangan 175 united airlines
- united nations security council resolution 175: resolusi 175 dewan keamanan perserikatan bangsa-bangsa
- 0s bc: 0-an sm
- 1 bc: 1 sm
- 10 bc: 10 sm
- 100 bc: 100 sm
- 100s bc: 100-an sm
- 101 bc: 101 sm
- 1010s bc: 1010-an sm
- 102 bc: 102 sm
- When his father was murdered by his finance minister Heliodorus in 175 BC., his uncle Antiochus IV Epiphanes killed the usurper, but usurped the throne himself.
Ketika ayahnya dibunuh oleh menteri keuangan Heliodoros pada 175 SM, pamannya Antiokhos IV Epiphanes membunuh sang pemberontak, namun kemudian malah merebut kekuasaan untuk dirinay sendiri.