1911 revolution artinya
- The first bang during the 1911 Revolution!
meledak saat masa revolusi tahun 1911! - After the 1911 revolution he attended Guangxi Military Cadre Training School in Guilin along with Bai Chongxi and Li Zongren.
Setelah revolusi 1911, ia menuntut ilmu di Sekolah Pelatihan Kader Militer Guangxi di Guilin bersama dengan Bai Chongxi, dan Li Zongren. ^ Hung-mao Tien (1972). - The "New Culture" movement began in China around 1916 following the unsuccessful activities of the 1911 Revolution to establish a republican government, and continued through the 1920s.
Gerakan Budaya Baru bermula di Tiongkok sekitar tahun 1916 setelah kegagalan Revolusi Xinhai untuk mendirikan pemerintahan republik, dan berlangsung hingga dasawarsa 1920-an.