1943 in film artinya
- film: filem; memfilmkan; selaput; wayang gambar;
- 1943 film awards: penghargaan film tahun 1943
- chatterbox (1943 film): chatterbox (film 1943)
- chicken little (1943 film): chicken little (filem 1943)
- claudia (1943 film): claudia (film 1943)
- gauri (1943 film): gauri (film 1943)
- girl crazy (1943 film): girl crazy (film 1943)
- kismet (1943 film): kismet (film 1943)
- son of dracula (1943 film): son of dracula
- stormy weather (1943 film): stormy weather (film 1943)
- taqdeer (1943 film): taqdeer
- the constant nymph (1943 film): the constant nymph (film 1943)
- the desert song (1943 film): the desert song (film 1943)
- two soldiers (1943 film): dva boytsa
- heaven can wait (1943 film): heaven can wait (film 1943)