1945 film awards artinya
- film: filem; memfilmkan; selaput; wayang gambar;
- film awards: penghargaan film; anugerah perfileman
- awards: penghargaan; awards; awd; membului
- 1945 new york film critics circle awards: new york film critics circle awards 1945
- 1945 awards: penghargaan tahun 1945
- 1945 in film: film dalam tahun 1945
- 1945 literary awards: penghargaan sastra tahun 1945
- a walk in the sun (1945 film): a walk in the sun (film 1945)
- adventure (1945 film): adventure (film 1945)
- and then there were none (1945 film): and then there were none (film 1945)
- blithe spirit (1945 film): blithe spirit (film 1945)
- detour (1945 film): filem detour; detour (film 1945)
- jealousy (1945 film): jealousy (film 1945)
- meera (1945 film): meera (film 1945)
- perfect strangers (1945 film): perfect strangers (film 1945)