1994 amendment of the constitution of argentina artinya
- amendment: perkembangan; pindaan; amendemen; perbaikan;
- constitution: konstitusi; perlembagaan; kondisi; penetapan;
- argentina: argentina; portal:argentina; argentine republic
- fourteenth amendment to the constitution of pakistan: amendemen keempat belas konstitusi pakistan
- second amendment to the constitution of pakistan: amandemen kedua konstitusi pakistan
- thirteenth amendment to the constitution of pakistan: amendemen ketiga belas konstitusi pakistan
- fifteenth amendment to the united states constitution: amendemen kelima belas konstitusi amerika serikat
- first amendment to the united states constitution: pindaan pertama perlembagaan amerika syarikat; amendemen pertama konstitusi amerika serikat
- fourteenth amendment to the united states constitution: amendemen keempat belas konstitusi amerika serikat
- nineteenth amendment to the constitution of sri lanka: amendemen kesembilan belas untuk konstitusi sri lanka
- proposed 2019 amendment to the constitution of malaysia: usulan pindaan perlembagaan malaysia 2019
- second amendment to the united states constitution: amendemen kedua konstitusi amerika serikat
- third amendment to the united states constitution: amendemen ketiga konstitusi amerika serikat
- thirteenth amendment to the united states constitution: amendemen ketiga belas konstitusi amerika serikat
- thirty-fourth amendment of the constitution of ireland: amendemen ketiga puluh empat konstitusi irlandia