19th century bc artinya
- 19th century: abad ke-19
- century: abad; abad (seratus tahun); kurun; century; nilai
- bc: bc; sm; sm (sebelum masehi); seu
- 19th-century bc births: kelahiran abad ke-19 sm
- 19th-century bc deaths: kematian abad ke-19 sm
- 19th-century bc people: tokoh abad ke-19 sm
- 19th-century bc rulers: penguasa abad ke-19 sm
- 19th-century bc women: wanita abad ke-19 sm
- 19th century by continent: abad ke-19 menurut benua
- 19th century by country: abad ke-19 mengikut negara; abad ke-19 menurut negara
- 19th century in africa: abad ke-19 di afrika
- 19th century in asia: abad ke-19 di asia
- 19th century in biology: abad ke-19 dalam biologi
- 19th century in education: pendidikan abad ke-19
- 19th century in europe: abad ke-19 di eropah; abad ke-19 di eropa
- It comes from the 18th or 19th centuries BC, and may also be moulded.
Relief ini berasal dari abad ke-18 atau ke-19 SM, dan mungkin pula merupakan hasil cetakan. - According to the Turin Canon, she ruled for three years, ten months, and 24 days in the late 19th century BC.
Menurut Daftar Raja Turin, ia memerintah selama 3 tahun, 10 bulan, dan 24 hari diperkirakan di akhir abad ke-19 SM.