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2005 nias–simeulue earthquake artinya

contoh kalimat "2005 nias–simeulue earthquake"
  • The rupture area for the 2005 Nias–Simeulue earthquake is similar to that estimated for the 1861 event.
    Bidang patah pada Gempa bumi Sumatera 2005 mirip dengan perkiraan gempa 1861.
  • The magnitude 8.7 2005 Nias–Simeulue earthquake, which originated off the coast of the Sumatran island of Nias, is not considered an aftershock, despite its proximity to the epicenter, and was most likely triggered by stress changes associated with the 2004 event.
    Gempa bumi Sumatera 2005 berkekuatan 8,7 yang terjadi di lepas pulau Nias tidak dianggap sebagai gempa susulan meski letaknya dekat dengan episentrum.