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2008 cannes film festival artinya

contoh kalimat "2008 cannes film festival"
  • It was screened in the Directors' Fortnight section at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival on 19 May.
    Film tersebut ditayangkan dalam sesi Directors' Fortnight di Festival Film Cannes 2008 pada 19 Mei.
  • The film was premiered at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival, the New York Asian Film Festival, and the 9th IIFA World Premiere-Bangkok.
    Film tersebut tayang perdana di Festival Film Cannes 2008, Festival Film Asia New York, dan IIFA World Premiere-Bangkok ke-9.
  • Their film, Le Silence de Lorna (Lorna's Silence), won Best Screenplay at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival and was released in Europe in the fall.
    Film mereka, Le silence de Lorna (Lorna's Silence), memenangkan Penghargaan Permainan Latar Terbaik di Festival Film Cannes 2008 dan dirilis di Eropa pada musim gugur.
  • The film was premiered at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival in the International Critics' Week, and was also premiered to special mention at the Grand Finale - Children's Film Festival 2014 of the 44th International Film Festival of India.
    Film tersebut tayang perdana di Festival Film Cannes 2008 di Minggu Kritik Internasional, dan juga tayang perdana untuk tanggapan khusus di Grand Final - Festival Film Anak-Anak 2014 di Festival Film Internasional India ke-44.
  • Waltz with Bashir premiered at the 2008 Cannes Film Festival where it entered the competition for the Palme d'Or, and since then has won and been nominated for many additional important awards while receiving wide acclaim from critics.
    Waltz with Bashir tayang perdana di Festival Film Cannes 2008 di mana film tersebut masuk kompetisi untuk Palme d'Or, dan sejak itu film tersebut telah memenangkan dan dinominasikan untuk beberapa penghargaan berpengaruh tambahan sementara meraih sambutan dari para kritikus.
  • Among his numerous awards were the Career Golden Lion from the 61st Venice International Film Festival, the Special Lion for the Overall Work in the 42nd Venice International Film Festival, an Honorary Golden Palm for his lifetime achievements in 2008 Cannes Film Festival, and the French Legion of Honor.
    Di antara berbagai penghargaan yang diraihnya adalah Career Golden Lion dari Festival Film Venice ke-61, Special Lion for the Overall Work dari Festival Film Venice ke-42, Honorary Golden Palm untuk prestasi seumur hidupnya pada Festival Film Cannes 2008, dan ia juga mendapatkan Légion d'honneur.