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absentee artinya

contoh kalimat "absentee"
  • That is why you were asking about the absentee mothers.
    Itulah mengapa Anda bertanya tentang para ibu absensi.
  • The curious case of Mrs. Hudson, the absentee landlady.
    Hudson Ketidakhadiran pemilik-flat (teh).
  • Low-income families, absentee fathers, broken homes.
    Keluarga miskin, anak yatim, orang tua bercerai.
  • Well, we're all equals now in our absentee Father's eyes.
    kita semua sederajat sekarang ..di mata Bapa kita yg absen."
  • I would be an absentee owner.
    Aku akan pemilik absen .
  • He's an absentee landlord!
    Dia tuan tanah yang tak tampak!
  • Can I ask you something absentee mother to mildly abusive daughter?
    Boleh aku bertanya sesuatu mengenai ketidakhadiran seorang ibu pada putri yang sedikit kasar?
  • System for performing manpower arrangements, starting from payroll, absentee, employee database
    System untuk melakukan pengaturan tenaga kerja, mulai dari penggajian, absen, database karyawan
  • Matt was always a little more fascinated with our absentee father than I was.
    Apa maksudmu? - Matt sedikit Iebih terpesona dengan ketidakhadiran seorang ayah bagi kami.
  • It was easier when you were an absentee daddy sending gifts, but now you're here.
    Itu mudah bila Anda seorang ayah tdk mengirimkan hadiah, tapi sekarang Anda di sini.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3
    Kata benda
  • one that is absent or not in residence