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accelerated artinya

contoh kalimat "accelerated"
  • I'm giving him an accelerated retro-viral detox... like a heroin addict.
    Kuberikan dia antiracun seperti heroin
  • He had a not dissimilarly accelerated rate of infection.
    Dia tidak mengalami ketidaksamaan tingkat akselerasi infeksi.
  • Now, we knew he grew at an accelerated rate.
    Kini, kami tahu dia tumbuh sangat cepat.
  • I mean, they're talking about accelerated production here.
    Maksudku, mereka bicara tentang mempercepat produksi di sini.
  • Change has accelerated as human populations rose.
    Perubahan menjadi semakin cepat saat populasi manusia bertambah.
  • Imagine a patient with all the Parkinson symptoms accelerated.
    Bayangkan seorang pasien dengan semua Gejala Parkinson dipercepat.
  • Munitia, make note the turret speed must be accelerated.
    Munitia, perhatikan kecepatan menara harus dipercepat.
  • He knew you were a predominately accelerated child.
    Dia tahu kau adalah anak didominasi dipercepat.
  • Son, the tumor is growing at an accelerated rate.
    Nak, tumornya tumbuh pada tingkat tercepat.
  • But Emily's accelerated growth caused severe chromosomal damage.
    Tapi pertumbuhan lajunya Emily menyebabkan kerusakan kromosom yang parah.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • speeded up, as of an academic course; "in an accelerated program in school"