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acropora artinya

contoh kalimat "acropora"
  • acropora
  • Collecting fragments from Acropora cervicornis. Photo ? Ken Nedimeyer
    Mengumpul serpihan dari Acropora cervicornis. Foto ? Ken Nedimeyer
  • Figure One demonstrates the Saturation Point of various Acropora species.
    Gambar Satu menunjukkan Titik Saturasi dari berbagai Acropora spesies.
  • (From Johnson et al. 2011, Caribbean Acropora Restoration Guide, page 21)
    (Dari Johnson et al 2011, Panduan Pemulihan Acropora Caribbean, halaman 21)
  • A bright green Acropora specie with rounded thick-walled corallites and distinctive polyps.
    A hijau terang Acropora specie dengan bulat corallites berdinding tebal dan polip tersendiri.
  • A bright green Acropora specie with rounded thick-walled corallites and distinctive polyps.
    Sebuah hijau Acropora specie cerah dengan bulat corallite berdinding tebal dan polip khas.
  • As you can see, my favorite corals are mainly sps with especially acropora species.
    Seperti yang Anda lihat, karang favorit saya terutama sps terutama spesies acropora.
  • This Acropora specie shows very good skeletal growth as evidenced by this photo
    Ini specie Acropora menunjukkan pertumbuhan tulang sangat baik yang dibuktikan dengan foto ini
  • Acropora specie showing fast skeletal growth much the same as in the above picture.
    Specie Acropora menunjukkan pertumbuhan tulang cepat sama seperti pada gambar di atas.
  • Acropora specie showing fast skeletal growth much the same as in the above picture.
    Specie Acropora menunjukkan pertumbuhan pesat rangka sama seperti dalam gambar di atas.
  • As well as improvements in color, particularly in my acropora corals. The range of control and
    Serta perbaikan warna, terutama di karang acropora saya. Kisaran kontrol dan
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4