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agonistic artinya

contoh kalimat "agonistic"
  • Agonistic behaviour is any social behaviour related to fighting.
    Perilaku agonistik adalah perilaku sosial yang terkait dengan pertarungan.
  • Kainate, NMDA, and an agonistic agonist; an excited amino acid neurotransmitter.
    Kainate, NMDA, dan agonis agonis; neurotransmitter asam amino tereksitasi.
  • Most running businesses are usually agonistic about their lead tracking mechanism. Most businesses or sales people consider lead processing as a one-to-one conversation, giving little significance to the complete picture or lead to sales patterns.
    Kebanyakan bisnis berjalan biasanya atletik tentang mekanisme memimpin pelacakan mereka. Kebanyakan bisnis atau penjualan orang menganggap pengolahan memimpin sebagai satu-ke-satu percakapan, memberikan penting sedikit gambaran lengkap atau menyebabkan pola penjualan.
  • SR9009 is a synthetic compound, which came into existence through the wits of Professor Thomas Burris. It closely relates to SARMS (Selective Androgen Receptor Modulators), but it is agonistic to Rev-Erbα protein found in the skeletal muscle, adipose tissue, brain, and the liver.
    SR9009 adalah senyawa sintetis, yang muncul melalui kecerdasan Profesor Thomas Burris. Ini berkaitan erat dengan SARMS (Modulator Reseptor Androgen Selektif), tetapi agonistik dengan protein Rev-Erbα yang ditemukan di otot rangka, jaringan adiposa, otak, dan hati.
    Kata sifat
  • of or relating to the athletic contests held in ancient Greece

  • Kata sifat
  • struggling for effect; "agonistic poses"
    Sinonim: strained,

  • striving to overcome in argument; "a dialectical and agonistic approach"
    Sinonim: agonistical, combative,