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arby's artinya

contoh kalimat "arby's"
  • arby's
  • Do you think you're at an Arby's right now?
    Kau pikir kau ada di Arby's sekarang?
  • You get a callback on that Arby's spot?
    Anda mendapatkan panggilan balik di tempat yang Arby?
  • We'll just check out the Arby's down the road.
    Kita akan keluar periksa disekitar Arby.
  • Oh, man, Mr. Arby's forgot my curly fries.
    Oh, ya ampun, Tn. Arby melupkan kentang goreng keriting-ku.
  • I wish I was at an Arby's.
    Aku harap aku ada di Arby's.
  • Lord Tubbington snuck out, and I found him at Arby's.
    Lord Tubbington keluar dan aku menemukannya di tempat Arby's.
  • Shit look more to me like half a Arby's logo or something. [laughing]
    Shit,bagiku lebih terlihat sebegai setengah logo Arby atau apalah.
  • Where were you, Arby's?
    Dari mana kau, dari tempat Arby?
  • Hey, don't forget the Arby's sauce.
    Hey, jangan lupa saos-nya.
  • Bro, I got to hit the Arby's at the bottom of the hill.
    Bro, saya harus memukul Arby di bagian bawah bukit.
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