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artillery artinya

pengucapan: [ ɑ:'tiləri ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "artillery"
  • And my aeroplanes will bomb your artillery like that!
    Dan pesawatku akan membom artilerimu seperti itu!
  • Are you really going to give them artillery, sir?
    Kau sungguh akan beri mereka persenjataan, Pak?
  • Give them artillery and you've made them independent.
    Jika diberi persenjataan kau akan membuat mereka merdeka.
  • Wait till they get a dose of that artillery fire.
    Tunggu saat mereka mendapat tembakan artileri.
  • When they cross that road, they'll be under short-range artillery.
    mereka di bawah jarak pendek artileri.
  • They bring old muskets and spears as artillery.
    Mereka membawa senapan tua dan tombak sebagai artileri.
  • Words are the new weapons, satellites the new artillery.
    Berita adalah senjata baru, satelit adalah artilerinya
  • Captain Thomas Hamilton, 12 Medium Regiment, Royal Artillery.
    Kapten Thomas Hamilton, 12 Resimen Menengah, Royal Artileri.
  • Too dangerous, they have heavy artillery and bombs
    Terlalu berbahaya. Mereka memiliki senjata berat dan bom.
  • I'll have the artillery give you one hour.
    Saya akan memiliki artileri memberi Anda satu jam.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • large but transportable armament
    Sinonim: heavy weapon, gun, ordnance,

  • a means of persuading or arguing; "he used all his conversational weapons"
    Sinonim: weapon,

  • an army unit that uses big guns
    Sinonim: artillery unit,