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asteroid belt artinya

contoh kalimat "asteroid belt"
  • Many still orbit the sun in the asteroid belt.
    Masih banyak orbit matahari di sabuk asteroid.
  • Ceres comprises a third of the total mass of the asteroid belt.
    Massa Ceres meliputi sepertiga massa sabuk asteroid.
  • Well, ladies and gentlemen, we've just cleared the asteroid belt.
    Baik, tuan-tuan dan nyonya-nyonya. Kami baru saja membersihkan sabuk asteroid.
  • We cross the orbit of Mars and enter the main asteroid belt.
    Kami melintasi orbit Mars Dan masukkan sabuk asteroid utama.
  • Surveying the nearby asteroid belt.
    Melakukan survei dekat Sabuk Asteroid.
  • Similar to the asteroid belt are the rings of Saturn
    Mirip dengan sabuk asteroid adalah cincin Saturnus Terdiri dari jutaan kecil, jatuh, moonlets dingin.
  • So when the Rogue comet hit the asteroid belt, it sent shrapnel right for us.
    Jadi saat komet menabrak lingkaran asteroid, pecahannya mengarah ke bumi.
  • The inner Solar System includes the four terrestrial planets and the asteroid belt.
    Tata Surya bagian dalam mencakup empat planet kebumian dan sabuk asteroid utama.
  • The asteroid belt contains tens of thousands, possibly millions, of objects over one kilometre in diameter.
    Sabuk asteroid terdiri dari beribu-ribu, mungkin jutaan objek yang berdiameter satu kilometer.
  • We sent a probe out to this asteroid belt, called NEAR, Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous.
    Kita mengirim roket ke sabuk asteroid, yang bernama NEAR, " Near Earth Asteroid Rendezvous."
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • the region of interplanetary space between Mars and Jupiter where most asteroids are found