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autopsy artinya

kata benda plural: autopsies   
contoh kalimat "autopsy"
  • I suggest that you have an autopsy performed immediately.
    Saya menyarankan agar Anda autopsi dilakukan segera.
  • When the autopsy is over, we'II investigate further.
    Ketika otopsi selesai, kami akan menyelidiki lebih lanjut.
  • I perform hundreds of autopsies a year.
    Sekarang. Aku sudah mengautopsi ratusan mayat di tahun ini.
  • Did you find any evidence of that in the autopsy?
    Kau temukan bukti lain saat otopsi?
  • Reverend Hartley says an autopsy is against Scripture.
    Pendeta Hartley bilang bahwa otopsi bertentangan dengan Injil.
  • No. I can't let you do an autopsy. The funeral is tonight.
    Tidak, penguburannya malam ini.
  • I had a private doctor do another autopsy.
    Aku menyuruh dokter pribadi untuk melakukan otopsi lain.
  • And why didn't the coroner do an autopsy?
    Dan mengapa didn apos; t koroner melakukan autopsi?
  • I told her I really should do an autopsy.
    Aku bilang aku benar-benar harus melakukan otopsi.
  • AII right, phil, I want you to do a full autopsy.
    baiklah, Phil, Lakukanlah full autopsy.
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