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bumblebee artinya

kata benda plural: bumblebees   
contoh kalimat "bumblebee"
  • bumblebee (film):    bumblebee (filem); bumblebee (film)
  • bumblebee (transformers):    bumblebee ( karakter fiksi); bumblebee
  • flight of the bumblebee:    polyot shmelya
  • bumble inc.:    bumble (aplikasi)
  • bumble:    terjerembat; mengotori; mengempenak; tersandung; tergelincuh; terlanjur; bergagap-gagap; gugup; merodong; menyia-nyiakan; silap; tertadung; memberi hati; merusak; tergaguk-gaguk; mengacaukan; tergag
  • bumbler:    pembunuh
  • bumbling:    canggung
  • She says she's sorry for taking the bumblebee pendant.
    Dia minta maaf karena mengambil anting bumblebeenya.
  • Give my... little Bumblebee... her house... and her money."
    Berikan pada... si kecil Bumblebee-ku... rumahnya... dan uangnya."
  • "Flight of the Bumblebee"!
    Flight Of The Bumblebee. ! Flight Of The Bumblebee. !
  • There's no way to free Bumblebee without harming the humans.
    Kita tdk bisa membebaskan Bumblebee tanpa melukai manusia.
  • Is to act like a human bumblebee,
    Apakah untuk bertindak seperti sebuah tawon manusia,
  • You already know your guardian, Bumblebee.
    Kau tahu pelindungmu, Bumblebee. Seperti seorang petinju
  • Bumblebee, right? Check on the rep Yep, second to none So you're my guardian, huh?
    Bumblebee, kan? Kau pelindungku?
  • [silverware clinking] [flight of the bumblebee ring tone]
    [Perak dentingan] [penerbangandaribumblebee nada dering]
  • Stinger, inspired by Bumblebee but better in every way.
    Stinger, terinspirasi oleh Bumblebee tapi lebih bagus dalam semua aspek.
  • Our design team started with the Bumblebee.
    Tim desain kami mulai dari Bumblebee.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • robust hairy social bee of temperate regions
    Sinonim: humblebee,