Masuk Daftar

checkers artinya

contoh kalimat "checkers"
  • Yeah, I'm playing Chinese checkers with Mrs. Hess.
    Yeah, aku bermain catur China dengan Mrs Hess.
  • You ever beat Nick in a checkers match?
    Kau pernah mengalahkan Nick dalam permainan Checkers? Tidak.
  • And we listen to the radio and play checkers.
    Dan kami mendengarkan radio dan bermain catur.
  • But less than checkers, Rubik's cube and puzzle blocks.
    Lebih bodoh lagi adalah permainan rubik dan puzzle.
  • You should go back and play checkers, man.
    Anda harus kembali dan bermain catur, man.
  • In the darkness, sometimes I played imaginary games of checkers.
    Dalam kegelapan, kadang-kadang saya bermain permainan catur khayalan.
  • How can you sit there like you're playing checkers?
    Bagaimana kau bisa duduk disana, seperti sedang bermain catur?
  • While I've been playing checkers, my father's been playing chess.
    Ketika aku bermain dam, Ayahku malah bermain catur.
  • You want to go to Chinatown and play Chinese checkers?
    Anda ingin pergi ke Chinatown dan bermain catur Cina?
  • Anyway, point is -- while everyone else is playing checkers,
    Intinya-- sementara yang lain bermain checkers, aku bermain monopoli.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a checkerboard game for two players who each have 12 pieces; the object is to jump over and so capture the opponent''s pieces
    Sinonim: draughts,