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comedy artinya

pengucapan: [ 'kɔmidi ]  audio:
kata benda plural: comedies   
contoh kalimat "comedy"
  • Right, so, let the robot stand-up comedy begin.
    Baiklah, jadi, marilah kita mulai pertunjukan komedi robotnya.
  • I'll have to go back to making family comedies.
    Aku harus kembali ke membuat komedi keluarga.
  • "The Divine Comedy", Dante Alighieri's journey into hell.
    The Divine Comedy, pengalaman Dante Alighieri ke neraka.
  • Or how about the world capital of comedy?
    Atau bagaimana kalau ibu kota komedi dunia ?
  • Looks like he's planning some sort of comedy heist bit.
    Tampaknya ia ingin membuat komedi perampokan.
  • They say that comedy is tragedy plus time.
    Mereka mengatakan bahwa komedi adalah tragedi ditambah waktu.
  • "at the comedy club where we met."
    ". Di klub komedi di mana kita bertemu "
  • We're giving you the tools, buddy. Make some fucking comedy.
    Kami memberimu bahan untuk sebuah komedi.
  • We'll stick to comedies from now on, I think.
    Kurasa kita perlu menggantinya dengan drama komedi.
  • A touch of comedy to balance the whole thing out.
    Sentuhan humor untuk mengimbangi seluruh adegan
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata benda
  • a comic incident or series of incidents
    Sinonim: drollery, clowning, funniness,

  • light and humorous drama with a happy ending