country data new zealand artinya
- country data selandia baru
- country data new zealand
- country: kawasan pendalaman; negeri; tanahair; tempat
- data: data; angka kenyataan; maklumat; bahan;
- data new zealand: data new zealand
- new: baru; segar; berubah; muda; mentah; asing;
- new zealand: selandia baru; new zealand
- zealand: sj?lland; sjaelland
- country data templates of new zealand: templat data selandia baru
- location map|data|new zealand: peta lokasi|data|new zealand
- country data new caledonia: country data kaledonia baru; country data new caledonia
- country data new france: country data prancis baru
- country data new hebrides: country data hebrides baru; country data new hebrides
- country data new york (state): country data new york
- country data papua new guinea: country data papua nugini; country data papua new guinea
- country data territory of papua and new guinea: country data teritori papua dan nugini
- new conservative party (new zealand): partai konservatif dari selandia baru