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county of edessa artinya

contoh kalimat "county of edessa"
  • The County of Edessa passed to his cousin Baldwin of Bourcq.
    County Edessa diberikan kepada sepupunya Baldwin dari Bourcq.
  • Notably, no one from Antioch, Tripoli, or the former County of Edessa attended.
    Khususnya, tidak seorang pun dari Antiokhia, Tripoli, atau bekas County Edessa yang hadir.
  • The Courtenay family ruled the County of Edessa, the furthest north of the Crusader states.
    Wangsa Courtenay memerintah County Edessa, bagian paling utara dari negara-negara Tentara Salib.
  • Eleanor supported her uncle's desire to re-capture the nearby County of Edessa, the objective of the Crusade.
    Aliénor mendukung keinginan pamandanya untuk merebut kembali Provinsi Edessa, yang adalah tujuan Pernag Salib.
  • In 1104, he also took control of the County of Edessa when Baldwin II was taken captive after the Battle of Harran.
    Pada tahun 1104, dia juga mengambil kendali County Edessa ketika Baudouin II ditangkap setelah Pertempuran Harran.
  • When the County of Edessa fell to Zengi in 1144, Raymond, prince of Antioch, sent Hugh to report the news to Pope Eugene III.
    Ketika Kerajaan Edessa jatuh ketangan Zengi tahun 1144, Raymond, pangeran Kerajaan Antiokhia mengirim Hugh untuk melaporkan berita ini ke Paus Eugenius III.
  • In return, he was given the titles of sebastos and doux (duke) of Antioch, and he was guaranteed the right to pass on to his heirs the County of Edessa.
    Sebagai gantinya, ia memperoleh gelar sebastos dan doux (adipati) Antiokhia, dan hak untuk menurunkannya ke penerusnya juga dipastikan.
  • During Baldwin III's reign, the County of Edessa, the first crusader state established during the First Crusade, was conquered by Zengi, the Turkic emir of Aleppo.
    Selama pemerintahan Baudouin III, County Edessa, Negara-negara Tentara Salib pertama yang didirikan selama Perang Salib Pertama, ditaklukkan oleh Zengi, emir Turki dari Aleppo.
  • Agnes, daughter of Joscelin II of Edessa, had lived in Jerusalem since the western regions of the former crusader County of Edessa were lost in 1150.
    Agnes, putri Joscelin II dari Edessa, telah tinggal di Yerusalem sejak wilayah barat bekas daerah tentara salib di County Edessa hilang pada tahun 1150.
  • He quickly became the chief Turkish potentate in Northern Syria and Iraq, taking Aleppo from the squabbling Artuqids in 1128 and capturing the County of Edessa from the Crusaders in 1144.
    Secara singkat dia menjadi raja Turk]i di bagian utara Syria dan Irak, dan merebut Aleppo dari pertengkaran Ortoqid emir pada tahun 1128.
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