diving at the 2012 summer olympics – men's synchronized 3 metre springboard artinya
- diving: menyelam; selam; olah raga menyelam; junam;
- diving at the 2012 summer olympics: terjun di sukan olimpik musim panas 2012
- at the: di
- 2012 summer olympics: 2012 summer olympics; olimpiade musim panas 2012;
- summer: musim panas; saat musim panas; musim kemarau;
- olympics: olimpiade; pertandingan olimpiade
- synchronized: menyamakan; mengkombinasikan
- 3: trio; tiga; 3; tiga serangkai
- metre: meter; sajak; irama; nada; pengukur; meteran;
- springboard: papan loncatan; papan loncat
- diving at the 2012 summer olympics – women's synchronized 3 metre springboard: terjun di sukan olimpik musim panas 2012 – wanita 3 meter papan anjal segerak
- diving at the 2012 summer olympics – men's 3 metre springboard: terjun di sukan olimpik musim panas 2012 – lelaki 3 meter papan anjal
- diving at the 2016 summer olympics – women's synchronized 3 metre springboard: terjun di sukan olimpik musim panas 2016 – wanita 3 meter papan anjal segerak
- diving at the 2012 summer olympics – men's synchronized 10 metre platform: terjun di sukan olimpik musim panas 2012 – lelaki 10 meter platform segerak
- diving at the 2012 summer olympics – women's synchronized 10 metre platform: terjun di sukan olimpik musim panas 2012 – wanita 10 meter platform segerak
Kata lain
- "diving at the 2010 asian games" terjemahan Indonesia
- "diving at the 2012 summer olympics" terjemahan Indonesia
- "diving at the 2012 summer olympics – men's 10 metre platform" terjemahan Indonesia