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earth's artinya

contoh kalimat "earth's"
  • Just get me through the Earth's atmosphere in this spaceship.
    Bawa saja aku melewati atmosfir bumi.
  • This is one of planet Earth's greatest spectacles.
    Ini salah satu pertunjukan terbesar di planet ini.
  • We've learned Earth's languages through the World Wide Web.
    Kami mempelajari bumi lewat World Wide Web.
  • Sam Witwicky, you hold the key to Earth's survival.
    Sam Witwicky, kau memegang kunci penyelamatan bumi.
  • Why would he want to hit earth's delete key?
    Kenapa dia ingin menekan tombol penghancuran Bumi?
  • Is this re-enactment an important piece of Earth's history?
    Apakah pertunjukkan ini penting bagi sejarah bumi?
  • Planet Earth's not good enough for old Arthur.
    Planet Bumi tidak cukup bagus untuk Arthur tua.
  • The Earth's rotation deviated and the gravity became faulty.
    Rotasi Bumi menyimpang dan gravitasi menjadi rusak.
  • There were large scale changes in the Earth's crust.
    Ada perubahan skala besar di kerak bumi.
  • Planetary engineering modifying the Earth's atmosphere and topography.
    Rekayasa Planetary yang memodifikasi atmosfer bumi dan topografi.
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