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epipaleolithic artinya

contoh kalimat "epipaleolithic"
  • Nahal Besor has shown evidence of epipaleolithic sites above paleolithic sediments.
    Nahal Besor menunjukkan bukti situs epipaleolithic di atas sedimen paleolitikum.
  • The earliest rock carvings date back to epipaleolithic (or Mesolithic, Proto-Camunian, 8th-6th millennium BC), several millennia after the retreat of the glacier that covered the Val Camonica (Würm glaciation).
    Ukiran batu tertua diperkirakan berasal dari masa Epipaleolitikum (atau Mesolitikum, milenium ke-8 sampai ke-6 SM), beberapa ribu tahun setelah mundurnya gletser yang menutupi Val Camonica (glasiasi Wurm).
  • Epipaleolithic construction at the site appears to predate the invention of agriculture, with the construction of Natufian structures beginning earlier than 9000 BC, the very beginning of the Holocene epoch in geologic history.
    Konstruksi Epipaleolithic di situs ini muncul mendahului penemuan pertanian, dengan pembangunan struktur Natufian yang dimulai lebih awal dari 9000 SM, yaitu awal zaman Holosen dalam sejarah geologi.
  • Evidence for Upper Paleolithic and Epipaleolithic periods are known mainly from the Zagros Mountains in the caves of Kermanshah, Piranshahr and Khorramabad and a few number of sites in the Alborz and Central Iran.
    Bukti-bukti dari zaman penghujung Zaman Batu Tua dan zaman Epipaleolitikum yang diketahui sebagaian besar berasal dari Pegunungan Zagros di gua-gua Kermansyah dan Khorramabad serta sejumlah kecil situs purbakala di Alborz dan Iran Tengah.