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financial artinya

pengucapan: [ fai'nænʃəl, ˌfi- ]  audio:
contoh kalimat "financial"
  • There are also financial reforms in rural China.
    Ada juga reformasi finansial di daerah pedesaan Cina.
  • I will not be drawn into another financial debate with you.
    Aku tak mau berdebat denganmu.
  • I'm a convicted murderer who provides sound financial planning.
    Aku narapidana pembunuh yg menyediakan rencana finansial.
  • The president is already beginning to feel the financial pinch.
    Presiden mulai merasakan kebutuhan akan keuangan.
  • And his comforting includes taking care of their financial problems.
    "Bantuan-nya" termasuk "Soal Keuangan" juga lah
  • Big financial settlements with your ex-wives, entourage.
    Pelunasan dalam jumlah besar terkait tuntutan mantan istri-istrimu, serempak.
  • McGee, pull financial records on both women. Already done.
    McGee, tarik catatan keuangan pada kedua perempuan.
  • ...and with limited financial resources he poses no flight risk
    ...dan dengan keterbatasan keuangan yang dihadapinya
  • I am the boss, a talent from the financial sector.
    Saya bos, bakat dari sektor keuangan.
  • Uh, no, I work in the financial district actually.
    tidak, aku bekerja di distrik keuangan sebenarnya.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2  3  4  5
    Kata sifat
  • involving financial matters; "fiscal responsibility"
    Sinonim: fiscal,