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flat-footed artinya

contoh kalimat "flat-footed"
  • I don't want to get caught flat-footed again.
    Saya tidak ingin mendapatkan tertangkap datar berkaki lagi.
  • That flat-footed lummock has no feeling for the tune.
    Ketukan kakinya tak sesuai dengan alunan lagu.
  • We don't want to get caught flat-footed again.
    Kita tidak mau tertangkap tidak siap lagi.
  • It's just that, we're a little flat-footed.
    Ini cuma... uh, kita agak berkaki datar (tidak punya transportasi).
  • So the invasion caught them flat-footed, huh?
    Jadi invasi menangkap mereka, ya?
  • My God, we caught them flat-footed!
    Ya Tuhan, kami menangkap mereka !
  • Not so upright and flat-footed.
    Tidak terlalu tegak lurus dan datar.
  • ...flat-footed on the ground.
    ..,.. Tertekan sampai ke tanah.
  • Joe Frazier, the heavyweight champion of the world, clumsy, ugly, flat-footed Joe Frazier.
    Joe Frazier, juara dunia kelas berat. Canggung, jelek, si kaki datar Joe Frazier.
  • They got mosquitoes here big enough to stand flat-footed and screw a chicken.
    Mereka punya nyamuk yang cukup besar disini Untuk berdiri dengan kakinya dan menghancurkan ayam.
  • Lebih banyak contoh:  1  2
    Kata sifat
  • without reservation; "a flat-footed refusal"

  • with feet flat on the ground; not tiptoe

  • having broad flat feet that usually turn outward; "a slow flat-footed walk"

  • unprepared and unable to react quickly; "the new product caught their competitors flat-footed"