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florence cathedral artinya

contoh kalimat "florence cathedral"
  • This apartment has a view of Florence Cathedral. It features 2 bedrooms, 2 bathrooms and a living room with a sofa and kitchenette.
    Apartemen ini menampilkan pemandangan Katedral Florence. Apartemen menawarkan 2 kamar tidur, 2 kamar mandi, dan sebuah ruang tamu yang dilengkapi dengan sofa dan dapur kecil.
  • Several of the finest works in Western architecture, such as the Colosseum, the Milan Cathedral and Florence cathedral, the Leaning Tower of Pisa and the building designs of Venice are found in Italy.
    Beberapa karya terbaik arsitektur Barat, adalah Koloseum, Katedral Milano, dan Katedral Firenze, Menara Pisa, dan rancangan bangunan di Venesia dibangun di Italia.
  • In Florence, Donatello assisted Lorenzo Ghiberti with the statues of prophets for the north door of the Baptistery of Florence Cathedral, for which he received payment in November 1406 and early 1408.
    Di Firenze, Donatello membantu Lorenzo Ghiberti membuat patung para nabi untuk pintu utara Baptisterium Firenze, dan menerima pembayaran pada bulan November 1406 dan awal 1408.
  • During the day of Easter, a cart, which the Florentines call the Brindellone and which is led by four white oxen, is taken to the Piazza del Duomo between the Baptistery of St. John the Baptist (Battistero di San Giovanni) and the Florence Cathedral (Santa Maria del Fiore).
    Selama hari Paskah, gerobak, yang Florentines sebut Brindellone dan yang dipimpin oleh empat ekor lembu putih, dibawa ke Piazza del Duomo Baptistery antara dari St Yohanes Pembaptis ( Battistero di San Giovanni) dan Florence Katedral ( Santa Maria del Fiore).