florence owens thompson artinya
- florence owens thompson
- florence: firenze; florence
- owens: owens; james cleveland owens; jesse owens
- thompson: benjamin thompson; homer a. thompson; homer
- thompson: benjamin thompson; homer a. thompson; homer armstrong thompson; homer thompson; count rumford; thompson
- jesse owens: jesse owens; james cleveland owens; owens
- carol owens (squash player): carol owens
- james cleveland owens: owens; jesse owens; james cleveland owens
- antoninus of florence: antoninus dari firenze
- chancellor of florence: kanselir firenze
- council of florence: konsili firenze
- duchy of florence: kadipaten firenze
- dukes of florence: adipati firenze
- florence airport: lapangan terbang peretola; bandar udara amerigo vespucci
- florence baptistery: baptisterium firenze
- florence cathedral: katedral firenze
- The woman in the photo is Florence Owens Thompson.
Wanita yang dipotretnya bernama Florence Owens Thompson.