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frederick artinya

contoh kalimat "frederick"
  • Or, we say, Frederick Douglass is in the house.
    Atau, dengan kata lain, ada Frederick Douglass.
  • Gen. Mark Clark, Gen. Hunter, Col. Frederick. - Colonel.
    Jenderal Mark Clark, Jenderal Hunter, Kolonel Frederick.
  • We are smarter than that, Frederick. These people are not our enemies.
    Mereka bukan musuh kita.
  • You discussed my therapy with Hannibal Lecter, Frederick.
    Kau menceritakan soal terapiku dengan Hannibal Lecter, Frederick.
  • I mean, we don't know that it was Frederick.
    Maksudku, kita tidak tahu bahwa itu Frederick.
  • And now Frederick will have somewhere to sleep.
    Dan sekarang Frederick akan memiliki tempat untuk tidur.
  • We're not sealing the portal until Frederick comes through.
    Kita takkan menyegel portal sampai Frederick datang.
  • By that time Frederick II had also died.
    Pada saat itu Friedrich II juga telah meninggal.
  • In that year the firm was joined by Frederick Whinney.
    Pada tahun tersebut, Frederick Whinney bergabung.
  • His father, Frederick Brooke Westcott, was a botanist.
    Ayahnya adalah Frederick Brooke Westcott, seorang ahli botani.
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